ASUS RS520A-E12-RS12U 2U Storage Server

BIOS Screenshots

At Puget Systems, we have a library of screenshots of the BIOS screens for the majority of the desktop computers we build. We share these screenshots here to the public, as a helpful reference for anyone who can benefit from them! Below you will find BIOS screenshots we have on file for the ASUS RS520A-E12-RS12U 2U Storage Server motherboard.

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Performance Tuning
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Trusted Computing
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Redfish Host Interface Settings
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Onboard LAN Configuration
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UEFI Variables Protection
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Serial Port Console Redirection
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CPU Configuration
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PCI Subsystem Settings
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USB Configuration
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Network Stack Configuration
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NVMe Configuration
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SATA Configuration
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Offboard SATA Controller Configuration
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APM Configuration
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AMD Mem Configuration Status
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TLS Auth Configuration
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Intel I350 Gigabit Network Connection
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VLAN Configuration
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MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
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MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
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PCH Configuration
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System Agent Configuration
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Media Sanitization
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Secure Boot
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IPMI Hardware Monitor
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ASUS Storage Viewer
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Event Logs
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Change SMBIOS Event Log Settings
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View SMBIOS Event Log
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Server Mgmt
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System Event Log
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BMC Network Configuration
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View System Event Log
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