Machine Learning and Data Science: Logistic Regression Examples-1

This post will be mostly Python code with implementation and examples of the Logistic Regression theory we have been discussing in the last few posts. Examples include fitting to 2 feature data using an arbitrary order multinomial model and a simple 2 class image classification problem using the MNIST digits data.

Machine Learning and Data Science: Logistic and Linear Regression Regularization

In this post I will look at “Regularization” in order to address an important problem that is common with implementations, namely over-fitting. We’ll go through for logistic regression and linear regression. After getting the equations for regularization worked out we’ll look at an example in Python showing how this can be used for a badly over-fit linear regression model.

Machine Learning and Data Science: Linear Regression Part 2

In Part 2 of this series on Linear Regression I will pull a data-set of house sale prices and “features” from Kaggle and explore the data in a Jupyter notebook with pandas and seaborn. We will extract a good subset of data to use for our example analysis of the linear regression algorithms.