I had a client who recently contacted me over the weekend in a bit of a panic because he had just upgraded to the latest Adobe Premiere CC 2017 and that caused him some grief.

I had a client who recently contacted me over the weekend in a bit of a panic because he had just upgraded to the latest Adobe Premiere CC 2017 and that caused him some grief.
My 12-year old daughter recently returned from a weeklong trip to Boston. Her friend invited her to join their family as they visited various sights around this historic city. They visited an aquarium, several museums and threw tea in Boston Harbor. Her favorite stop was a tour around Old Salem that concluded with a visit to the Salem Witch Museum. Before she returned home, she purchased a number of trinkets for her siblings that included a mini Declaration of Independence she set aside for her old sister.
Traditionally, over at least the past 15 years, the main role of a video card in a computer has been to accelerate 3D graphics. That is a large part of what has made modern computer games possible, and it has also contributed heavily to CAD / CAM work and digital animation. Video cards have also helped with 2D graphics and video playback, but the main focus has been on 3D speed.