For computing tasks like Machine Learning and some Scientific computing the RTX3080TI is an alternative to the RTX3090 when the 12GB of GDDR6X is sufficient. (Compared to the 24GB available of the RTX3090). 12GB is in line with former NVIDIA GPUs that were “work horses” for ML/AI like the wonderful 2080Ti.
Quad RTX3090 GPU Power Limiting with Systemd and Nvidia-smi
This is a follow up post to “Quad RTX3090 GPU Wattage Limited “MaxQ” TensorFlow Performance”. This post will show you a way to have GPU power limits set automatically at boot by using a simple script and a systemd service Unit file.
Quad RTX3090 GPU Wattage Limited “MaxQ” TensorFlow Performance
Can you run 4 RTX3090’s in a system under heavy compute load? Yes, by using nvidia-smi I was able to reduce the power limit on 4 GPUs from 350W to 280W and achieve over 95% of maximum performance. The total power load “at the wall” was reasonable for a single power supply and a modest US residential 110V, 15A power line.
RTX3070 (and RTX3090 refresh) TensorFlow and NAMD Performance on Linux (Preliminary)
The GeForce RTX3070 has been released.
The RTX3070 is loaded with 8GB of memory making it less suited for compute task than the 3080 and 3090 GPUs. we have some preliminary results for TensorFlow, NAMD and HPCG.
RTX3090 TensorFlow, NAMD and HPCG Performance on Linux (Preliminary)
The second new NVIDIA RTX30 series card, the GeForce RTX3090 has been released.
The RTX3090 is loaded with 24GB of memory making it a good replacement for the RTX Titan… at significantly less cost! The performance for Machine Learning and Molecular Dynamics on the RTX3090 is quite good, as expected.
RTX3080 TensorFlow and NAMD Performance on Linux (Preliminary)
The much anticipated NVIDIA GeForce RTX3080 has been released. How good is it with TensorFlow for machine learning? How about molecular dynamics with NAMD? I’ve got some preliminary numbers for you!
Note: How To Install JupyterLab Extensions (Globally for a JupyterHub Server)
The current JupyterHub version 2.5.1 does not allow user installed extension for JupyterLab when it is being served from JupyterHub. This should be remedied in version 3. However, even when this is “fixed” it is still useful to be able to install extensions globally for all users on a multi-user system. This note will show you how.