Earlier this month, Intel announced the initial launch of their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, but at the tope end have fewer total CPU cores. Will these changes allow Intel to overtake AMD for DaVinci Resolve?
Adobe After Effects: 11th Gen Intel Core vs AMD Ryzen 5000 Series
Earlier this month, Intel announced the initial launch of their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, but will that be enough for Intel to overtake AMD in After Effects?
Adobe Lightroom Classic: 11th Gen Intel Core vs AMD Ryzen 5000 Series
Earlier this month, Intel announced the initial launch of their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, but AMD currently has a large lead in applications like Lightroom Classic. Will these new CPUs be enough for Intel to overtake AMD in Lightroom Classic?
Adobe Photoshop: 11th Gen Intel Core vs AMD Ryzen 5000 Series
Earlier this month, Intel announced the initial launch of their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, but will that be enough for Intel to overtake AMD in Photoshop?
Adobe Premiere Pro: 11th Gen Intel Core vs AMD Ryzen 5000 Series
Earlier this month, Intel announced the initial launch of their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, but will that be enough for Intel to overtake AMD in Premiere Pro?