Certificate Award Ribbon Icon in Puget Colors

Introducing Puget Labs Certified Systems

For a long time here at Puget Systems, we have been putting together computer hardware recommendations for a wide range of applications. A lot of that advice is gathered from the far corners of the internet, by a range of different folks here within our company, but our Labs team delves especially deep into certain software and workflows. As such, we are beginning to brand some of our recommended systems with an additional “Labs Certified” status – and I wanted to take a moment to give you some details on why we are doing this and what it means for you, our customer.

Changes coming to the UnrealBench test suit

The more we dive into Unreal, and talk with users, the more we learn what needs to change in our test suit. After a few rounds of testing, some shortcomings have been exposed, and some new features have become available. We’ll go over the plan to fix these and ask if you have any additional suggestions.

Unexpected Data

A lot of what we do in Labs is somewhat predictable. But what we are really looking for is the unexpected.

Developing a New 3ds Max Benchmark

An ongoing series on creating a benchmark, from inception to completion. This week, identifying areas of 3ds Max that hardware creates slowdowns or bottlenecks.

3D Artist Joins the Labs Team

As the newest member of the Puget Systems Labs team, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself and give a brief glimpse into what we have planned.