This is a short post showing a performance comparison with the RTX2070 Super and several GPU configurations from recent testing. The comparison is with TensorFlow running a ResNet-50 and Big-LSTM benchmark.

This is a short post showing a performance comparison with the RTX2070 Super and several GPU configurations from recent testing. The comparison is with TensorFlow running a ResNet-50 and Big-LSTM benchmark.
More Machine Learning testing with TensorFlow on the NVIDIA RTX GPU’s. This post adds dual RTX 2080 Ti with NVLINK and the RTX 2070 along with the other testing I’ve recently done. Performance in TensorFlow with 2 RTX 2080 Ti’s is very good! Also, the NVLINK bridge with 2 RTX 2080 Ti’s gives a bidirectional bandwidth of nearly 100 GB/sec!
NVLINK is one of the more interesting features of NVIDIA’s new RTX GPU’s. In this post I’ll take a look at the performance of NVLINK between 2 RTX 2080 GPU’s along with a comparison against single GPU I’ve recently done. The testing will be a simple look at the raw peer-to-peer data transfer performance and a couple of TensorFlow job runs with and without NVLINK.