LTSP Configuration for Benchmark Platform of Diskless Workstations

In this post we look at using a testing Lab of Windows systems as a benchmarking platform for Linux scientific application using network boot with nfsroot and home mounts. Linux is boot on the systems “diskless” leaving the Windows installs untouched. LTSP turned out to be a great time saver for setting up the configuration.

How To Run Remote Jupyter Notebooks with SSH on Windows 10

Being able to run Jupyter Notebooks on remote systems adds tremendously to the versatility of your workflow. In this post I will show a simple way to do this by taking advantage of some nifty features of secure shell (ssh). What I’ll do is mostly OS independent but I am putting an emphasis on Windows 10 since many people are not familiar with tools like ssh on that OS.

How To Use SSH Client and Server on Windows 10

This post is a setup guide and introduction to ssh client and server on Windows 10. Microsoft has a native OpenSSH client AND server on Windows. They are standard (and in stable versions) on Windows 10 since the 1809 “October Update”. This guide should helpful to both Windows and Linux users who want better interoperability.