Modern video cards utilize large heatsinks to cool the GPU effectively and quietly, but they weigh so much that in some situations they can actually damage the PCI-E slot on the motherboard. This universal acrylic GPU brace fastens directly to the case and provides support for cards to help prevent them from sagging over time.
This brace has been designed to be as universal as possible, but might not work with all video cards. Passive cards in particular may not be compatible.
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This brace has been designed to be as universal as possible, but might not work with all video cards. Passive cards in particular may not be compatible.
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Model: Puget Systems univ_brace
This GPU brace is what we use in many of our systems to help support larger, heavier video cards. By popular demand, we have made it available for purchase as an individual item.
Each brace is manufactured in-house out of 1/4 inch thick acrylic for main brace and 3/8 inch acrylic for riser.
Included screws:
2x 3/8 inch #6-32
2x 10mm M3x.05
2x 5/8 inch #6-32