New Photogrammetry Benchmarks

We have published three new benchmarks for photogrammetry applications. Whether you use Pix4D, Metashape (formerly PhotoScan), or RealityCapture we now have a utility you can use to measure and compare system performance. These benchmarks will be featured in upcoming articles from our Labs department, so check them out and see how your workstation stacks up!

However Long It Takes

Fresh out of college, I entered the workforce with a lot of enthusiasm, energy and the assumption that my education had taught me everything I needed to succeed. It didn’t take long for me to realize I had a lot to learn, and that began one morning when my first manager called me into his office.

When a deal is not a deal

During a recent computer component purchase, I learned that purchasing isn’t just about acquiring a product. You are creating relationships. Even if they may be micro-relationships, they are relationships all the same. So you just have to determine which type you wish to have.

Earning a Customer

I took my Honda Odyssey into have its oil changed last week. Within a mile, I have a choice of no less than five quick lube and oil shops. My selection often comes down to which shop has the shortest wait time.

Big Enough

During a recent discussion with an engineer who was considering having us build him a workstation, he made a comment about our company: “You’re big enough, but not too big.”

OctaneBench 2019 Performance Preview

OTOY is nearing completion of OctaneBench 2019, the first version of their OctaneRender benchmark to support the new RTX technology in NVIDIA’s Turing-based GeForce and Quadro video cards. We will do a full performance roundup when OB 2019 is finished, but for now I wanted to put out a quick preview of the performance increase that RTX tech can bring to GPU rendering.

Intels Core Xperiment i9 9990XE

Intel launched a new processor in their Core X series recently, and it is novel in many ways. It combines a fairly high core count with very high clock speeds, at the cost of power consumption and high heat output. It also is very limited in availability, being offered only to select system integrators via a private auction. We got our hands on one in the first auction, and have been putting it through several rounds of benchmarking to see if it is worth the price and hassle, as well as to determine if we will be offering it in our workstations.

Creating vs. Consuming

One benefit that computers and the internet have brought to us is that they have made it easier than ever before to be creators.

Making a Connection with your Customer

Around Thanksgiving last year, I decided to take advantage of a sale at a popular online gaming company. After researching various titles I might enjoy, I settled on a game and purchased it through the store. The game installed fine, but wouldn’t allow me to start a new game.

I don’t have a lot of patience when it comes to troubleshooting games. Games should be a break from work. I enjoy a good RPG such as Diablo that I can play with my sons or daughters. When this new game wouldn’t launch, I searched Google for help, but after a few hours, I hadn’t made any progress.