
About six months ago, a new grocery store opened a few blocks from my home. On my first visit, I was handed a loyalty card and told to attach it to my key-chain, which I did without much thought. The checker explained that rewards would automatically appear on my card depending on how much I spent at the store. She also mentioned that using my loyalty card would give me a discount at their gas station.

Windows 10 Sales

Nearly every day a customer asks me how Windows 10 is doing in terms of sales. It’s usually wise to wait a few months to gauge how a new operating system is performing. As much as Microsoft wants everyone to move to Windows 10, it can take time for the hardware makers to test their products and release updated drivers for a new operating system.

Microsoft released Windows 8 to the public just under three years ago. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we didn’t see a lot of pent up demand from our customers. We had a few customers who were curious and decided to make the jump, but the vast majority of our customer hit the snooze button on 8 and stuck with 7.

UPDATE: Windows 8 vs. Windows 7

Back in December, Brett brought some interesting information about the sales of Windows 8 vs. Windows 7. Yesterday some not so good news dropped about the state of PC shipments in the last quarter.

So I thought I would do a follow-up because the last quarter here at Puget has been great, contrary to the market at large.