Keeping Up To Date

One comment I hear often when talking to a client is, “I used to keep up to date with technology, but it’s been a while now, and I’m out of touch with the latest trends.” I can certainly understand why.

Family Photo Storage Options

I’m not a professional photographer and neither is my wife. Heck, we’re not even amateur photographers either. I’d say we’re more social photographers. Beyond the occasional spur of the moment, all our pictures are from special occasions like our kid’s birth, vacations, birthday parties, etc. I’d imagine many of you are similar. We’ve amassed thousand of photos throughout the years, and our current method of backing those up is burning them to a DVD.

There has to be a better way.

Purchasing an Uninterruptible Power Supply

I was recently working on a video project at home when the power suddenly went out. While this is a not common occurrence where I live, it was great to have an Uninterruptible Power Supply save the day and give me time to do a proper save then system shutdown.

Nobody Uses That Anymore

Whenever I’m feeling confident that I’m successfully contributing to raising five children, my 13-year old daughter does something to jolt me back to reality. That the was the case this week as I sat in the car and gently honked the horn as a reminder she was going to be late for dance practice.

Stop Directly Comparing CPU Specs

Every time a new generation of CPUs is announced, I see a number of people writing about how they think it will be faster (or slower) than current technology because of the advertised specifications. CPU specs alone don’t tell the whole story, though, and comparing core count and clock speed across different brands or generations of processors is extremely misleading. Stop doing it!

The Best Service for Sharing Large Files

Over the past few years, customers have asked us to recommend a service for sharing large files. In the past I’ve recommended Dropbox to those sending files under 2GB. But what if you need to send a really large file, say a 50GB file? And what if you need to send that 50GB file to five people in different locations?

Intel & AMD: The 2017 CPU Wars

AMD is releasing a whole spectrum of new CPUs this year, from the consumer oriented Ryzen to the server-class Epyc. In response, Intel has accelerated their normal processor release cadence and is putting out new products across the board as well. We are here to explain a bit about what is going on, what to look forward to, and whether it is worth waiting for.

An Unhealthy Obsession

UPS delivered a box to my door two weeks ago. Inside was something I told myself I didn’t need because I already had a phone and tablet.

My spouse and close friend talked about theirs at a level that borders on a unhealthy obsession.

Buried by Storage Options

It’s 10 PM on a school night, and I know where my kids are, but not my files.

It all started when the post office delivered a manila envelope, sealed with enough packing tape to wrap a small country. That was the first clue that my father was the sender.