Install TensorFlow with GPU Support on Windows 10 (without a full CUDA install)

In this post I’ll walk you through the best way I have found so far to get a good TensorFlow work environment on Windows 10 including GPU acceleration. I’ll go through how to install just the needed libraries (DLL’s) from CUDA 9.0 and cuDNN 7.0 to support TensorFlow 1.8. I’ll also go through setting up Anaconda Python and create an environment for TensorFlow and how to make that available for use with Jupyter notebook. As a “non-trivial” example of using this setup we’ll go through training LeNet-5 with Keras using TensorFlow with GPU acceleration. We’ll get a setup that is 18 times faster than using the CPU alone.

Install TensorFlow with GPU Support the Easy Way on Ubuntu 18.04 (without installing CUDA)

TensorFlow is a very important Machine/Deep Learning framework and Ubuntu Linux is a great workstation platform for this type of work. If you are wanting to setup a workstation using Ubuntu 18.04 with CUDA GPU acceleration support for TensorFlow then this guide will hopefully help you get your machine learning environment up and running without a lot of trouble. And, you don’t have to do a CUDA install!

PCIe X16 vs X8 with 4 x Titan V GPUs for Machine Learning

One of the questions I get asked frequently is “how much difference does PCIe X16 vs PCIe X8 really make?” Well, I got some testing done using 4 Titan V GPU’s in a machine that will do 4 X16 cards. I ran several jobs with TensorFlow with the GPU’s at both X16 and X8. Read on to see how it went.

Microsoft Build 2018 — impressions

I attended the Microsoft Build 2018 developers conference this week and really enjoyed it. I wanted to share my “big picture” feelings about it and some of the things that stood out to me. I’m not going to give you a “reporters” view or repeat press-release items. This is just my personal impression of the conference.

GPU Memory Size and Deep Learning Performance (batch size) 12GB vs 32GB — 1080Ti vs Titan V vs GV100

Batch size is an important hyper-parameter for Deep Learning model training. When using GPU accelerated frameworks for your models the amount of memory available on the GPU is a limiting factor. In this post I look at the effect of setting the batch size for a few CNN’s running with TensorFlow on 1080Ti and Titan V with 12GB memory, and GV100 with 32GB memory.