Windows Update Fix: Gigabyte X99 + Intel Chipset

We are starting to see an issue within our Support team as of August 2017 where Windows Update fails to update. The following error will display:

"Windows 10 Update Failed to install – Intel Ethernet driver NETwtw04.sys plus 16 cores present on device."

First, install this driver from Intel

Entering Bios

  • Navigate to the "Advanced" Section
  • Then navigate to the "CPU Configuration" section

Altering Core Count




  • Once you're in the CPU Configuration, head to "Active Processor Cores"


Active Processor Cores

  • Here you will disable a couple of cores.  Windows Update seems to have issues detecting more than 16 cores with this update, so we want to disable Cores 0, 1, and 2.
  • In this picture they're currently "Enabled", simply toggle 0, 1, and 2 to "Disabled"
  • Once you've cut down the accessible cores, you're ready to run Windows Update.

Saving Temporary Profile + Optional

  • Once you've updated Windows, you would need to come back to the BIOS again, and re-enable the cores you disabled. (In the example we showed, we would have to re-enable cores 0, 1, and 2 again).
  • Since we are not sure how long this process will be needed, we suggest saving the BIOS profile that has lesser cores to a second BIOS profile that we can restore to/from if needed.
  • To do this navigate to the Tool section of the BIOS and head to "ASUS Overclocking Profile"

Saving the Temporary Lesser-Core BIOS

  • Drop down to the section labeled "Save to Profile"
  • Put today's date in the "Profile Name"
  • Put "2" in the "Save to Profile" section (You need to do this if you don't want to overwrite your existing BIOS profile)
  • Once you have today's date and a "2" in the "Save to Profile" section, hit enter with your cursor on the "2", this will save the BIOS version with lesser cores to Profile 2.
  • With Profile 2 saved, you can swap back and forth between Profiles 1 and 2 if needed.

Conclusion / Multiple Profiles


  • Having both profiles should look something like this.  Please don't forget to Load from Profile 1 to go back to the BIOS profile with all cores enabled.

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