NAB Show 2024 Recap

Participating in press interviews, presentations, and sponsorships allowed us to share our perspectives and contribute to thought leadership in the industry. We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the success of NAB Show 2024, from our valued customers and partners to the organizers and attendees who made each interaction memorable.

Samsung 990 Pro SSD

Samsung 990 Pro Critical Firmware Update

Samsung has promptly addressed concerns from owners of their 990 Pro SSDs with a firmware update that halts any abnormal degradation. We discuss this fix, our plan here at Puget Systems to take care of our customers, and how you can update the firmware on your Samsung SSD.

Samsung 990 Pro SSD with Question Marks Overlay

Update on Samsung SSD Reliability

We have been very public about how reliable Samsung SSDs have been in the past, so we wanted to explain why we are now moving part of our line to Sabrent.

Two glasses

Reflecting on 2022

It’s important to take a step back to celebrate your accomplishments and all that you achieved this year. Otherwise, you’re likely to just jump into the next project (and the next, and the next) while letting the grind slowly get to you. So I wanted to take a minute to do that for our teams here at Puget Systems!

My Experience Joining the Team at Puget Systems

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work for Puget Systems? As one of Puget’s newest Technology Consultants, and with barely five months under my belt, I may not have as nuanced an insight into the company’s inner workings than some of my peers.

Visiting Supercomputing 2016

I made the trek to Salt Lake City to attend the Supercomputing conference. I’ve attended conferences both large and small going back 20 years, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw at Supercomputing. If you’re not familiar with Supercomputing, it’s an annual conference where scientists, researchers, and engineers gather to discuss high-performance computing, network storage and related technologies.

The Growing Puget Systems Community

If you’ve been following us over the past few months you are probably well aware that we have been travelling quite a bit and have a lot of new projects going on. In fact, since the beginning of the year, we have traveled approximately 15,000 miles.. So what have we been up to?

A Race To the Bottom

I’ve been a customer of DirecTV for just over 14 years.

Yesterday, I called DirecTV and cancelled my account. To their credit, they didn’t hassle me very much, and only read off a script a few times to remind me that DirecTV is better than anyone else.

Let’s perform a little back of the napkin math: $100/month for 14 years comes out to just under $17,000. I’ve also recommended DirecTV to a number of friends and family bringing that total much higher.

Like a Spoiler on a Honda Civic

On my way in to work today, I was passed by a small blue Honda Civic. It raced and weaved through traffic, sporting a bolt-on spoiler, and an exhaut pipe that made it sound more like a go-cart than a legitimate driving machine. I allowed myself my moment of sarcstic thoughts. “Really? Your Honda Civic gets around with such great velocity that you need a spoiler to keep your rear axle firmly planted??” Maybe I’m just getting old, but I looked at that vehicle and I didn’t see the style and power the installer may have intended. I saw immaturity and insecurity. This driver self-identified with performance and power. He didn’t have the right tool for the job, so he bolted on the parts.