Surviving the Quarantine

My name is Mark Anthony, named after the Roman general, not the singer. Looking back on the past 2 months of working from home I’ve learned a lot. Working from home has become the new normal for many of us here at Puget Systems.

A New Normal

Quarantine life has hit all of us pretty drastically. At first, it was a bit of a shock to realize that businesses were even thinking about shutting down. “Is this real?” “There’s no way the virus could be that deadly, right?”

Prepping Pandemic Puppers

The lock-downs have changed a lot of things for all of us. For someone who already works from home, it doesn’t seem a whole lot different. For now, I’m using my spare time to better train our foster animals. We regularly have a foster or two in our home and the Coronavirus won’t change that!

You Have Questions

Most of my day is spent talking to customers on the phone, over email, and sometimes in person at events or personal visits. I collect feedback about our products and services and take it back to the management at Puget Systems so that we can learn what’s working and what we need to improve.

So about Animal Crossing New Horizons

I might have heard about Animal Crossing in passing, never paying it much heed. A game that has no real ending. You can do whatever you want. Given my limited amount of time, I wanted a beginning, some levels to get through, and an end boss to fight.