Intel has launched their new Xeon Scalable processor series, with very high core counts when used in dual CPU configurations. How do they stack up to single-socket workstations using other Intel and AMD processors in Cinema 4D?
SOLIDWORKS 2018 CPU Comparison: Coffee Lake vs Skylake-X vs Threadripper
Dassault Systemes launched the initial version of SOLIDWORKS 2018 (SP0.1) late last year, but with the recent release of SP1 we expect that customers will soon be using it in production environments. In preparation for that, we have tested the field of current Intel Core i7 and i9 processors to see how they stack up in SW 2018. We hadn’t yet had a chance to test AMD’s Threadripper processors in SOLIDWORKS either, so they are also included in this round of benchmarks.
Pix4D CPU Comparison: Coffee Lake vs Skylake X vs Threadripper
Pix4D is an advanced photogrammetry application, suited to wide range of uses, with a focus on handling images captured by drone cameras. Processing of those images into point clouds and 3D meshes / textures is time consuming, so we have tested multiple projects across a wide range of CPUs to see what hardware performs the best.
Arnold for Maya CPU Comparison: New 14, 16, and 18-core Skylake-X Processors
Intel has launched new, higher core count Skylake-X processors. Can they take back the performance crown from AMD’s Threadripper in Arnold?
KeyShot 7 CPU Comparison: New 14, 16, and 18-core Skylake-X Processors
Intel has launched new, higher core count Skylake-X processors. Can they take back the performance crown from AMD’s Threadripper in Keyshot?
V-Ray CPU Comparison: New 14, 16, and 18-core Skylake-X Processors
Intel has launched new, higher core count Skylake-X processors. Can they take back the performance crown from AMD’s Threadripper in V-Ray?
Cinema 4D CPU Rendering Comparison: New 14, 16, and 18-core Skylake-X Processors
Intel has launched new, higher core count Skylake-X processors. Can they take back the performance crown from AMD’s Threadripper in Cinebench?
Core i7 7820X vs Core i9 7900X: Do PCI-E Lanes Matter For GPU Rendering?
Benchmark results demonstrating that PCI-Express x8 vs x16 speeds don’t impact GPU rendering performance.
FurryBall GPU Rendering Platform Comparison: Skylake X, Xeon W, and Threadripper
This article looks at several motherboard chipsets, including X299 and X399, comparing how well they handle performance scaling across multiple GPUs in the FurryBall RT benchmark.
OctaneRender GPU Platform Comparison: Skylake X, Xeon W, and Threadripper
This article looks at several motherboard chipsets, including X299 and X399, comparing how well they handle performance scaling across multiple GPUs in OctaneBench 3.06.2.