Spending More

“What do I get if I spend more?”

This question comes up quite frequently when I’m speaking with customers, especially if they are considering upgrading from an older computer. I believe most people are referring to “more” performance, but that’s not always the case.

Stop Directly Comparing CPU Specs

Every time a new generation of CPUs is announced, I see a number of people writing about how they think it will be faster (or slower) than current technology because of the advertised specifications. CPU specs alone don’t tell the whole story, though, and comparing core count and clock speed across different brands or generations of processors is extremely misleading. Stop doing it!

Intel & AMD: The 2017 CPU Wars

AMD is releasing a whole spectrum of new CPUs this year, from the consumer oriented Ryzen to the server-class Epyc. In response, Intel has accelerated their normal processor release cadence and is putting out new products across the board as well. We are here to explain a bit about what is going on, what to look forward to, and whether it is worth waiting for.

Asus 4K PQ321Q Monitor

Sales Consultant Jeff Stubbers recently took home an Asus 4K monitor for personal use, and he liked it so much that he wrote a blog post about it.

New Apple Mac Pro vs Genesis Workstation PC

By now, most folks have seen Apple’s updated Mac Pro – or as I like to call it, the trash can. I kid, I kid! In all seriousness, though, we are often asked how our workstations – like the Genesis line – compare to the hardware Apple has put in the new, miniature Mac Pro. Read on to find out…