NVIDIA and PGI are offering “PGI Accelerator with OpenACC” free to academia (or 90 day trial for commercial users) under the banner “NVIDIA OpenACC Toolkit”. It’s about time!

NVIDIA and PGI are offering “PGI Accelerator with OpenACC” free to academia (or 90 day trial for commercial users) under the banner “NVIDIA OpenACC Toolkit”. It’s about time!
Modern computing hardware is all about parallelism. This is because we essentially hit the wall several years ago on increasing core clock frequency to speedup serial code execution. The transistor count has continued to follow Moore’s Law (doubling every 1.5-2 years) but these transistors have mostly gone into multiple cores, vector units, memory controllers, etc. on a single die. To utilize this hardware, software needs to be written to take advantage of it, i.e. you have to go parallel.