Top 5 Xeon Phi Misconceptions

Many people have heard about the Intel Xeon Phi by now but there is still a lot of misunderstanding about it. Here’s 5 of the misconceptions that I’ve heard mentioned when discussing the Xeon Phi.

Can you submerge a hard drive in mineral oil?

Ever since we started developing oil-submersion aquarium kits in 2007, we’ve been repeatedly asked if you can submerge the hard drive in the oil along with the rest of the components. Our answer has always been a yes for SSDs and a no for traditional platter hard drives. While we are very confident in our answer, we have never actually tested to see exactly what happens. So, to finally set the record straight we decided to take the plunge and dunk a hard drive into mineral oil.

Ownership is Dead

During my teens, when music was at an apex of importance in my life, I stumbled across two large boxes full of albums in the back of my closet. Of course I was curious and began shuffling through them. Most album covers were in good shape, while others had seen better days. Their design and colors drew me in to the point I had to inspect each one.