Windows 10 Sleep Issues

Windows 10 update will occasionally prevent proper sleep even when set correctly. Sometimes simply turning sleep off and back on seems to solve the problem but occasionally more work is needed, this article will cover the solutions we have found to be successful.

Game Mode – How to Kill It and Why

Windows 10 PCs have ‘Game Mode’ enabled by default but it’s not always the best choice. This article will guide you through the process of disabling Game Mode as well as explaining why you should.

Adjusting Boot Settings From Legacy to UEFI

If you intend to switch your drives from MBR to GPT you will likely also need to adjust your BIOS from Legacy to UEFI. This article will walk you through the basic steps including checking to determine if your system is currently in UEFI mode or not.

What is Virtualization All About

Virtualization is the process of creating a software-based, or virtual, representation of something, such as virtual applications, servers, storage and networks.