Cables: Active or Passive, Which is Best

We hear the terms ‘active’ and ‘passive’ attributed to cables and equipment all the time. But what does it mean? Which one is better? Which one do you really need? We clarify the difference and explain how to choose between them.

An Introduction to Servers

If you are new to servers there are a few things you are going to want to be aware of and consider. A server isn’t just your stander PC. In this article, we are going to go over the difference between Desktops and Rackmounts, Why servers are so loud, and the different Server Operating systems.

Preparing For Windows 11

The announcement of Windows 11 has resulted in many Windows 10 owners wanting to proactively ready their system to upgrade to Windows 11 when it is released. Some of the requirements are still subject to change but there has been enough information made public on how to prepare. This article will provide a short list on how you can prepare your system for the new operating system update later this year.

Windows 11 and the Great TPM Dilemma

Microsoft has announced Windows 11 and released a PC Health Check application that will confirm compatibility. With this, numerous users are reporting lack of support but thankfully most of the time it’s a rather simple solution.

Parsec in all it’s glory!

Parsec is an amazing tool for remote access to a system. It offers a 1:1 local connection and an almost perfect 1:1 connection over the internet.

The Slow Rollout of Windows 10 21H1

Microsoft has released the next version of Windows 10 called “21H1”, or the May 2021 Update, and it is available to users running Windows 10 2004 or later as an optional update in Windows Update.