Intel has launched their new Xeon Scalable processor series, with very high core counts when used in dual CPU configurations. How do they stack up to single-socket workstations using other Intel and AMD processors in Cinema 4D?
Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.1 – CPU Performance Comparison
PhotoScan makes heavy use of the central processor (CPU) in a computer to run many of the calculations involved in turning still images into a 3D model or map. Different steps in that process utilize the CPU in various ways, though, so we are looking at how several Intel and AMD processors compare in this application.
Lightroom Classic CC Version 7.2 Performance
The initial release of Lightroom Classic CC gave us some great performance gains, but the Lightroom team is not done yet. With the new 7.2 update, we once again get some terrific performance improvements, this time with an emphasis on improved multi-core performance using high core count CPUs in a number of tasks.
SOLIDWORKS 2018 CPU Comparison: Coffee Lake vs Skylake-X vs Threadripper
Dassault Systemes launched the initial version of SOLIDWORKS 2018 (SP0.1) late last year, but with the recent release of SP1 we expect that customers will soon be using it in production environments. In preparation for that, we have tested the field of current Intel Core i7 and i9 processors to see how they stack up in SW 2018. We hadn’t yet had a chance to test AMD’s Threadripper processors in SOLIDWORKS either, so they are also included in this round of benchmarks.
Pix4D CPU Comparison: Coffee Lake vs Skylake X vs Threadripper
Pix4D is an advanced photogrammetry application, suited to wide range of uses, with a focus on handling images captured by drone cameras. Processing of those images into point clouds and 3D meshes / textures is time consuming, so we have tested multiple projects across a wide range of CPUs to see what hardware performs the best.
Lightroom Classic CC: is it faster than CC 2015?
With Lightroom Classic CC, Adobe is advertising performance improvements for a number of tasks including importing, generating smart previews, scrolling through images, and much more. In this article we will be running our Lightroom benchmark suite to see if Classic CC is actually faster than CC 2015.
DaVinci Resolve 14 GPU Scaling Analysis (1-4x Titan Xp)
DaVinci Resolve has long been known to greatly benefit from multiple GPUs, but is this still true or has the recent launch of Resolve 14 changed things?
DaVinci Resolve 14 CPU Performance: Skylake-X vs Threadripper
While GPU performance is often the first thing that comes up when configuring a DaVinci Resolve workstation, the CPU is in many ways even more important. Modern CPUs from Intel and AMD can have up to 18 cores, but can DaVinci Resolve actually make use of them all?
Lightroom CC 2015.12 CPU Performance: Core i9 7940X, 7960X, 7980XE
Lightroom contains a number of tasks that can utilize a decent number of CPU cores, but with Intel’s new CPUs you can now have up to 18 physical cores on a single consumer CPU. Can Lightroom actually make use of all these additional cores?
Photoshop CC 2017.1.1 CPU Performance: Core i9 7940X, 7960X, 7980XE
Photoshop may not be the best use case for these new 14, 16, and 18 core CPUs from Intel, but just how much worse are they compared to their lower core count counterparts?