NVIDIA GeForce and Titan Creator Ready Drivers

NVIDIA recently made a new type of driver available for their GeForce and Titan series video cards, which is aimed specifically at content creators. These new “Creator Ready” drivers can be selected when downloading drivers from the NVIDIA or GeForce websites, and can also be picked for future driver updates in GeForce Experience. Read on for info on how to find these drivers for your workstations.

Windows 10 1809 Update Disabling OC

X79-X399 system are seeing overclock disabled by W10 KB4100347. Microsoft, in an attempt to resolve the Spectre/Meltdown concerns, have released a number of updates and this one just happens to disable Overclocking on certain platforms. This article will explain the issue along with what you should do about it.

Windows 10 1903 Feature Update

Windows 10 version 1903 will release soon, and with it comes a new ‘feature’ they are referring to as “reserved storage”. This reserved storage will ensure proper performance and successful updates, hopefully eliminating the possibility of another data loss like the 1809 update fiasco.

Helpful Hints for Wireless Devices & Peripherals

As manufacturers offer more devices and peripherals that are wireless, we have seen an increase in the number of our customers who report running into various communication / connection issues with such devices. In this article, I will provide some general information about wireless connections, share common causes for these issues, and offer some solutions.

Many Adobe applications will soon require Windows 10 (ver 1703) or newer

The next major update to Adobe Media Encoder, After Effects, Audition, Character Animator, Prelude, and Premiere Pro will no longer support Windows 7, Windows 8, or even older versions of Windows 10. We will step through how to check if you will be affected and what you can do to fix it.