Replacing a GPU in the Fractal R6

This article will guide you through the process of replacing the GPU in the Fractal Define R6. This article has an instruction break down along with a full video produced by Chris Shreve.

Helpful Hints for Wireless Devices & Peripherals

As manufacturers offer more devices and peripherals that are wireless, we have seen an increase in the number of our customers who report running into various communication / connection issues with such devices. In this article, I will provide some general information about wireless connections, share common causes for these issues, and offer some solutions.

How to Enable and Test NVIDIA NVLink on Quadro and GeForce RTX Cards in Windows 10

NVLink is enabled in different ways depending on what video cards you have, so we have compiled instructions for multiple GeForce and Quadro models. Once you’ve gone through those steps, though, it can be helpful to have a quick way to test and make sure it is working. We have put together a small program that does just that – and reports which video cards in a system are connected via NVLink as well as how much bandwidth they have between them.

Windows 10 Drive Partitions

Have you ever wondered why your hard drive is split up into different partitions? This article will explain in depth the different kinds of drive partitions, how to split up a drive into different sections, and what partitions to expect when installing and operating in Windows 10.

The Puget Systems Repair Experience: What You Can Expect

All Puget Systems come with lifetime labor and support. Although we hope that you never have to send your system in to be repaired there maybe be a time when you do. This article was created in an effort to show you what to expect when you do have to send your system in for repair.

Intel Microcode Breach- Meltdown and Spectre Solutions Identified

In this article we will revisit the at-first frightening exposure of the security breach caused from the Intel Microcode breach possibility. We will review what the breach is, what solutions we use at Puget to protect our systems, and offer assistance finding your microcode patch.

HTC Vive Compositor Error

In this article I will share my experience of getting a disruptive VR error when setting up an HTC Vive for a family VR event. The VR issue I experienced was “Compositor is not fullscreen”. This article will cover why the issue occurs and the troubleshooting to do to find a solution.

How to find out if your drive is failing

At Puget Systems, we use a couple free drive diagnostic tools to tell us if there are issues with solid state drives and hard disk drives. Some of the programs that will be summarized include disk error checking tool, Samsung Magician, and Crystal Disk Info.